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Water damage restoration and repair is a process that should be started as soon as possible after the water has been removed. The longer you wait, the greater the chance for mould and other damage to occur. If your home or business has been the victim of water damage, you know how devastating it can be. This could happen from burst pipes, rainy weather and water leaking taps and result in flooded carpet & home.

There are a number of steps involved in water damage restoration and repair, and the process can vary depending on the extent of the damage. But in general, the goal is to get your property back to its pre-damage condition as quickly and safely as possible.

If you’re dealing with water damage, the first step is to contact a professional water damage restoration and repair company. They will assess the type of water damage and develop a plan of action. You should start the drying process until they arrive. Water damage can cause a lot of damage to your property and can be very costly to repair. In this blog article, we’ll share some tips on what to do if you’re dealing with water damage. We’ll also provide some information on water damage restoration and repair.

How to Deal with Water Damage?

01. Stop the source of the water damage

If you can, stop the source of the water damage. If the damage has been caused by leaking pipes or broken pipes, turn off the water supply system & prevent further damage. For example, if a pipe has burst, shut off the valve to stop the water flow.

02. Remove excess water

Before starting the repair, remove any excess water from the affected area. Use a mop, towels, or a vacuum cleaner to remove as much water. Put the big buckets under the water and try to drain out excess amounts of water. Also, set up a tarp to protect the flooring and move any wooden furniture from the affected area.

03. Dry the affected area

Once you have removed the excess water, dry the affected area and wet carpet drying as much as possible. Use fans, dehumidifiers, or air conditioners to help speed up the drying process.

04. Clean and disinfect

Once the area is dry, clean and disinfect the area to prevent the growth of mould or mildew. Monitor for mould or mildew Even if you have dried the area and cleaned it, mould or mildew can still grow. Monitor the area for any signs of mould or mildew and contact a professional if you see any signs.

In Case of large areas of mould growth, you need to contact a cleaning specialist, as mould can root deep into the wood, causing structural concerns. This area will need to be completely removed and  replaced and this is often done by water damage restoration Melbourne. It is highly recommended to do steam cleaning or carpet cleaning for water damaged carpet.

05. Repair the cause of water damage

You should call a professional to repair any leaking sources of water and fix any damaged walls or roofs. Once you are sure that the cause is fixed, you can replace the damaged or warped portion of carpet and padding. By following these ways you can do flood damage restoration.


Water damage restoration and repair is a process that can take several weeks or longer, depending on the severity of the damage. The process can be costly, but it is important to remember that the cost of repairs will be much less than the cost of replacing damaged items. Flood water restoration and repair should be performed by a qualified professional to ensure that the job is done correctly and to prevent further damage

Please contact us on 0413943154 & email at  

Our 24 hours Emergency Response Team will dispatch within minutes to provide you with best experience & satisfaction.

Our services

  • Flood and Water Damage Restoration
  • 24/7 Emergency Flood Restoration
  • Structural Drying & Air movers
  • Thermal Imaging & Reporting
  • Removing carpets water or water extraction
  • Supply and Install of all drying equipment
  • Sewage Clean up
  • Carpet Steam Cleaning (Furniture stain removal and spot dyeing)
  • Tile and Grout Cleaning
  • Flood Carpet drying, 
  • Accidental water leak


5 Responses

  1. Dear Tower Quality Cleaning,

    Thank you for sharing your article on water damage restoration tips. Water damage can be a significant concern for homeowners, and your insights are highly appreciated. I’d like to provide some feedback and suggestions based on the information you’ve provided.

    Firstly, your emphasis on acting quickly in the event of water damage is crucial. Time is of the essence when it comes to mitigating further damage and preventing mold growth. Calling a professional water damage restoration company is indeed an excellent first step, as they have the expertise and equipment to assess the situation and initiate appropriate remediation measures.

    Your suggestion to turn off the electricity before entering a water-damaged area is absolutely essential for personal safety. Water and electricity can be a lethal combination, so it’s vital to prioritize safety and avoid potential hazards. Additionally, wearing protective gear, such as rubber gloves and boots, when dealing with water-damaged areas is strongly advised.

    Your mention of extracting standing water and drying the affected areas promptly is crucial in preventing further damage. Water extraction equipment, dehumidifiers, and air movers can help expedite the drying process and minimize the risk of mold growth. It’s important to ensure thorough drying, as residual moisture can lead to long-term structural issues and health concerns.

    I would like to add a few additional suggestions. Taking photographs and documenting the extent of the water damage before starting the restoration process can be helpful for insurance purposes. It’s also important to contact your insurance company as soon as possible to initiate the claims process and understand what coverage you have for water damage restoration.

    Furthermore, it’s important to address any underlying causes of the water damage to prevent future incidents. Whether it’s a leaking pipe, a faulty appliance, or poor drainage, identifying and rectifying the source of the water intrusion is crucial for long-term prevention.

    Lastly, I would encourage homeowners to consider regular maintenance and inspections to identify potential water damage risks early on. Proactive measures such as sealing gaps in windows and doors, cleaning gutters, and maintaining proper drainage can help prevent water damage before it occurs.

    Overall, your article provides valuable insights into water damage restoration. By following your tips and incorporating the additional suggestions mentioned above, homeowners can be better prepared to address water damage effectively and minimize its impact on their property.

    Thank you again for sharing this informative piece. I hope my feedback proves useful and contributes to the knowledge of your readers.

  2. I recently visited your website and read your blog post titled “Water Damage Restoration Tips,” and I wanted to express my appreciation for the valuable information you provided. Dealing with water damage can be a stressful experience, and your article offers practical tips and insights to help homeowners navigate through this challenging situation effectively.

    Your explanation of the immediate steps to take when faced with water damage, such as ensuring safety, stopping the water source, and calling professionals, highlights the importance of quick action and seeking professional assistance. These initial steps are crucial in minimizing further damage and starting the restoration process promptly.

    I found your guidance on assessing the extent of water damage and categorizing it based on the level of contamination to be particularly useful. Understanding the severity of the damage and the potential health risks associated with different types of water contamination can help homeowners make informed decisions about the necessary restoration measures.

    Your emphasis on the importance of proper drying and dehumidification is vital. Moisture left behind after water damage can lead to mold growth and further structural damage. Your suggestions for using fans, dehumidifiers, and professional drying equipment underscore the need to thoroughly dry the affected areas to prevent long-term issues.

    Furthermore, your recommendation to document the damage through photographs or videos is valuable advice. This documentation can serve as evidence for insurance claims and aid in the restoration process, ensuring a smoother experience for homeowners.

    The inclusion of tips for salvaging personal belongings and addressing furniture damage demonstrates your understanding of the emotional and practical aspects of water damage restoration. Your suggestions for prioritizing safety, seeking professional help for furniture restoration, and carefully handling valuable items offer practical guidance during a challenging time.

    Thank you for sharing your expertise on water damage restoration. Your article serves as a valuable resource for homeowners facing water damage and seeking guidance on how to mitigate the effects effectively. I will definitely keep Tower Quality Cleaning in mind for any future restoration needs and will recommend your services to others in need of professional assistance.

  3. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the insightful and informative blog post on water damage restoration tips that you shared on your website. Water damage can be a distressing and challenging situation for homeowners, and your tips and recommendations offer valuable guidance on how to handle such situations effectively.

    Your blog post covers a range of important topics related to water damage restoration, including the initial steps to take when faced with water damage, such as ensuring safety, stopping the water source, and contacting professional restoration services. I appreciate the emphasis you place on prioritizing safety and seeking professional help to ensure thorough and effective restoration.

    I also found your tips on documenting the damage through photographs and keeping a detailed record of the incident and restoration process to be highly valuable. These steps can help homeowners when filing insurance claims and provide crucial evidence of the extent of the damage for accurate assessment and compensation.

    Furthermore, your suggestions for drying out the affected areas, removing damaged materials, and employing professional drying equipment highlight the importance of a systematic approach to water damage restoration. Your tips on preventing mold growth and implementing proper sanitization measures are also invaluable in ensuring the health and safety of occupants.

    Overall, your blog post showcases your expertise in water damage restoration and your commitment to helping homeowners navigate these challenging situations. The information you provide is clear, concise, and practical, making it accessible to individuals who may be dealing with water damage for the first time.

    Thank you once again for sharing these valuable water damage restoration tips. Your blog post is a valuable resource for homeowners seeking guidance and assistance in restoring their properties after water damage.

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