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how to get rid of mould after flooding

Resuming daily life at home is something that everyone who faces a flood at their home is waiting for. But this is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many challenges in restoring flooded premises. Mould is one of them. This article mainly discuss about How to Get Rid of Mould.

Mould is a fungus that grows in wet and less ventilated areas. Flooding or having pooled water in your home can cause mould to grow inside your house. This can cause a lot of health issues including respiratory infections and allergies.

There’s a high probability of mould growth if the house has been flooded for more than 48 hours. It is advised to clean up and dry the house as soon as possible (within 48 hours) to minimise the risk of mould.

Before you start cleaning up mould, ensure that all children under 12 years, people over the age of 65, pregnant women and anyone with a weakened immune system are removed from the flooded premise.

When the contamination is higher, there is a higher risk of exposure to the cleaning personnel. Therefore it is important to let the professionals manage the situation in cases like this.

How to Identify If Your House is Contaminated with Mould?

  • The house has been flooded for more than 48 hours (2 days)
  • The mould can be visible seen
  • Visible water damage
  • Strong musty odours

What are the Safety Precautions to be Followed When Cleaning the Mould?

  • If you have decided to clean up mould by yourself, wear gloves, masks, goggles and a respirator. 
  • Be careful with bleach. Bleach is a very common chemical used by many to clean mould. But it is advised to be cautious when using bleach. Always wear gloves, goggles and a mask to ensure your safety. Don’t ever mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleaning products.

How to Get Rid of Mould?

01. Identify the cause and remove all the excessive moisture from the home: Pump out all the water from your property as soon as possible. Try to seal any water leaks and make sure there is enough ventilation to start the drying process. Reducing the amount of moisture in the house is the best way to minimise mould damage. Using fans or dehumidifiers will help to fasten the drying process.

02. Remove all the damp or flood damaged items from the property: Mould starts to grow within 24 – 48 hours of flooding and therefore it is crucial to remove all the affected items including furniture, wallpaper, carpets, bedding, clothing or any other items that can not be properly dried.

03. Remove wet wall lining/plasterboard. This allows internal wall spaces to dry well.

04. Clean and disinfect the property: All the flood damaged surfaces inside the house including floors, walls, bathroom and kitchen should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water. Make sure you wear protective gear such as masks, gloves, goggles and disposable coveralls to ensure your safety while cleaning.

05. Thoroughly dry the property: Even Though we have already removed flood water, the dampness in the walls and any other surface can allow mould to grow. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly dry the property to prevent further mould growth. You can use central heating system, fans, heaters or dehumidifiers for this. It is advised not to use the central heating system or the air conditioning if they are contaminated by flood water.

When you’re finished, there shouldn’t be any mold that can be seen or smelled, however there might be some accidental discoloration and cosmetic damage. You can paint over that when the area has been cleaned and dried.

Cleaning up after flooding can be a daunting and emotional task, but you don’t have to do it alone. The Tower Quality  team has experience removing mold and treating building materials to help you get back into your home after an unexpected event. Our team will cater your needs and make sure your valued items are in best condition. Give us a quick call for any emergency water restoration service. We will dispatch our team of flood restoration experts as soon as we receive your request.

Please contact us  on 0413943154  or email us on



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